
Refracting the world through technology

Technologies refract discourses. They articulate silent understandings, highlight cultural values, emphasize subtle ideas. Studying technological artefacts can help trace the discursive contours within which we live.

And give us words to challenge them.

I research technology and the material discursive practices of data and knowledge. Much of my work has looked at data about bodies, human and robotic. At the moment, I'm fascinated with synthetic datasets and the intersectional hallucinations (and fidelities) in them. Employing theoretical tools from feminist technoscience studies, I find my academic home at the juncture of STS and medical sociology. I work with fantastic colleagues at the Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping University, in a research seminar group called Bodies, Knowledge and Subjectivity, the Bodies Hub, and at the Center for Medical Humanities and Bioethics. Feel free to check out my publications here or contact me by post or email. I'm also running the graduate school for the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program - Humanity and Society (WASP-HS)

On the web, in other places

My web page at work.

'Intersectional hallucinations': why AI struggles to understand that a six-year-old can't be a doctor or claim a pension. in The Conversation

Reflections on AI in Insights/Science & AI in Scandinavian Mind

"Will AI be an Equalizer or Oppressor?" Blog for WASP-HS

New York Review of Books on A Cultural Biography of the Prostate

A talk about the prostate to ASPI, Active Surveillance Patients International, Feb 2022.

A presentation about A Cultural Biograpahy of the Prostate for the Ruth Lilly Medical Library (Indiana University).

An interview on Irish radio, Newstalk, Moncrieff.

The MIT Press Reader selection: The paradox of a man's most feared test, the PSA.

A review of A Cultural Biography of the Prostate by Jonatan Samuelsson in VK (in Swedish)

A review of A Cultural Biography of the Prostate by Dafydd Wood, Northshire Bookstore (Vermont).

A review of A Cultural Biography of the Prostate by Howard Wolinsky in Medpage Today

An English podcast from SCAS about A Cultural Biography of the Prostate 8 Sept 2021.

A Swedish podcast about my prostate research, Fakultet: Ska jag ta PSA prov?

Talk about the prostate for the Edinburgh Sceptics/Edinburgh Science Festival 29 June 2021.

Discussion about the prostate for the Gothenburg Science Festival (in Swedish), 16 April 2021. (also as a podcast)

Webinar about 'A Cultural Biography of the Prostate' at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 24 March 2021.

Presentation about Refracting social norms through AI, at AI Ethics Seminar, Chalmers, 16 Feb 2021

Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Podcast about bodies and embodiment, with colleagues Lisa Guntram and Kristin Zeiler (in Swedish)

News about our new research project on robots and trust, with Katherine Harrison (in Swedish)

A short info film for young men about the prostate, in collaboration with Stockholms mansmottagning:

...in English: What is the prostate?

...in Swedish: Vad är prostatan?

Some press about my research: 

Just a Tablet in the Linköping University Alumni magazine (p.16-17)

...and in Swedish Bara ett piller, eller?

Därför ör färgen på viagratabletten blå in Läkemedelsvärlden

Vad styr vilka läkemedel vi använder? Linköping University News

Den Säljande Sjukdomen in Unionen. Farmaci & Hälsa, March 2018 (p 25)

A presentation about Glocal Pharma at 'Transitional States' in London, 17 May 2018

A podcast from the 2018 Forskarmöten - an ontology and epistemology exercise (in Swedish)

A brief blog on Curie about doing a PhD in Sweden.

An odd poem about gynaecological simulators at Christmas time.

An interview about Viagra in Sweden, on Studio Ett (in Swedish).

An interview about the new book Gendering Drugs, on New Books Network.

A radio programme about the Swedish Viagra Man, in Swedish.
