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Johnson, E. & S. Hajisharif (2024) The Intersectional Hallucinations of Synthetic Data. AI & Society
Thunberg, S., E. Johnson & T. Ziemke (2023) Investigating healthcare workers' technostress when welfare technology is introduced in long-term care facilities, Behaviour & Information Technology, DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2023.2276802
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Harrison, K., E. Johnson (2023) Affective corners as a problematic for design interactions. Transactions on Human Robotics Interactions
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Eidenskog, M. Leifler, O., Asplund, M., Johnson, E. Sefyrin, (2023) Changing the World one engineer at a time – unmaking the traditional engineering education. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education IJSHE-03-2022-0071.R3. volume 24, issue 5
Arnelid, M., K. Harrison, E. Johnson. (2022) What Does it Mean to Measure a Smile? Assigning Numerical Values to Emotions. Valuation Studies. 9(1) 2022: 79-107
Johnson, E. (2022) ‘Screening for Prostatacancer’ in Wickström, A., S. Morberg Jämterud, & K. Zeiler (eds.) Screeningens Mångsidighet. Nordic Academic Press. pp. 49-66
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Gleisner, J. & E. Johnson (2021) Caring for affective subjects produced in intimate healthcare examinations. Health. 1-20.
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Johnson, E (2019) Why ANT needs Haraway to think about (gendered) bodies in ANT Companion edited by Celia Roberts, Anders Blok and Ignacio Farias
Dieckmann, P. & Johnson, E. (2019) ‘Bodies in Simulation’ in Learning together: Interprofessional Simulation in Health Care Education edited by Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren and Hans Rystedt. Springer
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Johnson, Ericka (2018) Att kissa som en gammal gubbe in Prostatan – det ständiga gisslet? Mannen och prostatan i kultur, medicin och historia. Nordic Academic Press
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